Thursday, 4 December 2014
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Tommy Bowe :))))
This week we went to Carton House to see the Vanishing Art Exhibition with the art teachers, but instead it turned into stalking the Irish Rugby Team! My friends and myself went looking at the sculptures around Carton, and we were by the river when a man came over to us and told us that the Rugby team were training and we all went running up the road screaming to go see them. When we saw them first they were in the gym training so we couldn't get pictures with them or talk to them. So what some people did was they went up to the window and took pictures of them. Anna told us that Johnny Sexton was down the road so I sprinted down but when we got there he was already gone. I sat there with Jane and Pia for a while when Tommy Bowe came out! Everyone screamed and tried to get a picture with him and some people got his autograph! The poor lad was probably terrified! Security had to come out to us 2 or 3 times to get us away! As soon as we left we saw the whole team come out so our bus driver drove around the car park to drive by them to get a picture! One of the lads put his thumb up and everyone screamed hahahah! Best trip by far :)))))))
Tommy my hun xxxx
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Thursday, 9 October 2014
On Sunday the 4th of October, me and Gemma went to see Ed Sheeran! He was unbelievable! I had been looking forward to it for weeks, then the day came! I woke up so early, not that it made a difference because we didn't get Gemma until 2! My mam will never ever be on time. When we got Gemma we went home and started to get ready! We were in the best mood everrr! We couldn't wait. After we shoved our food down our throat so we could leave, we finally left!
My mam dropped us to the Luas at the Red Cow on the Naas Road and we were so excited! IT was mad how less stressful it was getting in as we had seating tickets. We would of rathered standing tickets, but at least we were there! We got there just a few minutes before the opening act Saint Raymond came on. They were amazing! It's just annoying the way no one knew their songs but I'm glad I know them now.
When they went off, time flew by before Ed came on! He was actually so amazing, and what made it even better was that it was only him on stage, he had no back up dancers or whatever and it was still amazing! Time went by so fast, it was so sad! It was really annoying when we were sitting and they didn't let us stand up and dance during the concert, but as soon as he said he was doing his final songs there was no way we were sitting down so we got up and nearly everyone was up as well! The atmosphere in the 3 arena was amazing and I can't wait until he comes back!
On Sunday the 4th of October, me and Gemma went to see Ed Sheeran! He was unbelievable! I had been looking forward to it for weeks, then the day came! I woke up so early, not that it made a difference because we didn't get Gemma until 2! My mam will never ever be on time. When we got Gemma we went home and started to get ready! We were in the best mood everrr! We couldn't wait. After we shoved our food down our throat so we could leave, we finally left!
My mam dropped us to the Luas at the Red Cow on the Naas Road and we were so excited! IT was mad how less stressful it was getting in as we had seating tickets. We would of rathered standing tickets, but at least we were there! We got there just a few minutes before the opening act Saint Raymond came on. They were amazing! It's just annoying the way no one knew their songs but I'm glad I know them now.
When they went off, time flew by before Ed came on! He was actually so amazing, and what made it even better was that it was only him on stage, he had no back up dancers or whatever and it was still amazing! Time went by so fast, it was so sad! It was really annoying when we were sitting and they didn't let us stand up and dance during the concert, but as soon as he said he was doing his final songs there was no way we were sitting down so we got up and nearly everyone was up as well! The atmosphere in the 3 arena was amazing and I can't wait until he comes back!
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Last week we went to Carlingford as a sort of bonding trip. We went to Esso at 7 o'clock that morning because of the fact that we had an activity to do when we got there. The bus went by pretty fast and everyone was really excited! When we got there we went straight to the center and picked our rooms. Luckily there was 8 of me and my friends and there was 2 or 3 rooms of 8 so we all got to be in the same room!
Our first activity was canoeing. We walked to the changing rooms and before we could get into the wet suits we had to play a game. It was so pointless but it was good fun! It was called knights, kings and queens. After we played we got given our wet suits and got changed and put our helmets and life coats on. There was 4 people per boat, and 3 canoes were tied together so there was 12 of us rowing together! At first it was fun but after a while my arms got sore so I wasn't bothered trying anymore, but Dave scared me so sure I had to keep on going!
We saw 3 or 4 jellyfish on the way over to the beach and I was so scared incase someone fell in and got stung! I was told they only had 1 or 2 accidents with jellyfish but that was enough to make me want to get out! We got to the beach and everything was grand. They told us this tale about getting water from a sacred waterfall and standing under it for 10 seconds and you get an extra day o your life!
When we got back to the changing rooms we had quick showers and got changed again. We walked back tot he center and had lunch. Wasn't the best food I'd ever had but it was nice enough knowing how many people they had to feed! After we ate we went went to our rooms. We had time to get changed and stuff so I did then we had to meet in one of the rooms to go for our next activity.
Our next activity was challenges that we had to figure out how to do them ourselves. The first few were easy enough to figure out, but just getting everyone to do what they needed to do was the real challenge. They activity was really not set up for bonding because I'm pretty sure I hated more people after it than I did before it. The most challenging one had to be the maze. What we had to do was all be in a line on our hands and knees and find our way to the exit, and there was no light in the maze so it was dark, squishy and everyone was getting frustrated. We ended up not completing it and just followed arrows back out to the entrance. Only 4 people found their way out!
We got our dinner when we went back, I didn't eat it thought, it was horrible! That evening we walked up the mountain and had a blind walk. We had our eyes covered and we had to rely on the person in front of you to tell you if there was a tree on a lump in the ground. I didn't really like that but the walk back was good. When we got back to the center we were allowed go get Chinese and I was so happy! The thought of getting food just made me smile! It took ages for the food to come out, but it was worth the wait when Shauna banged her head off the window! Has to be the highlight of the trip hahaha!
After we ate there was a disco upstairs and we went up and it was great fun! We went back to our rooms at about 11 and I fell asleep at half 11! I was so annoyed because I wanted to stay up all night! Disappointed to say the least! The next morning I did not want to get out of bed, but there was breakfast in the center so of course I was going to leave to go get food! It wasn't that nice but sure it did the job. We went for our first activity of the day which was kayaking. It was great fun being able to do it on your own with no one in the front annoying you! Yeah that's right Aoife Harte I'm talking about you, never ever again..
We were able to go out to the trampoline in the middle of the sea when we got over to the beach and me and Emily front flipped off it! It was so fun but hurt so bad! We kayaked back over to the changing rooms and went back for lunch. After lunch we went to play laser tag. This I had been looking forward to the whole time! It was worth the wait as well, it was so fun! We got split up into 2 groups, depending on which color gun we picked. I was on the same team as most of my friends so I was pretty happy! We had to walk up the mountain again and this time it was worse because we were in combat clothes! I was absolutely dyinnnnn.
After the laser tag we walked back to the center and we got the bus home. Everyone was so tired so we all slept on the bus! It was such a good 2 days and everyone seemed to enjoy it!
My Digital Dossier
My digital dossier grew bigger the day I was born as my family sent around texts to other family members and friends to let them know I was born! It grew bigger and bigger as people were taking pictures of me as a newborn. As I grew older, more pictures were taken of me such as my first steps, my first day at playschool, school etc!
When I was old I joined sites like Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters and MSN. On these sites I had to give my details such as birthday, name, gender, etc. As I got older again I joined sites such as:
Facebook; where I share posts, pictures, comment on other peoples pictures and post, talk to friends and share my likes and dislikes
Instagram; share photos and comment on other peoples photos
Snapchat; take photo's and talk to friends
Google; to search things needed for school work
Youtube; listen to music and watch videos
Twitter; post tweets and comment and like other peoples tweets
My digital dossier grows more and more each day as I use at least one of these sites a day. As I grow older my dossier will get bigger, as I will get a credit card, join new media sites and get a job as well!
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Months I have been waiting to get my Junior Cert Results, and finally it was a week until I got them. I wasn't that nervous as it was coming up. I was looking for ward to the night out in Wrights more than getting my results. I got a spray tan on Monday before we got them and because I had finally got it done it had got into my head that we are finally getting our results in the next couple of days. Monday evening seemed to go on forever as well because I had to wait until the next morning to have a shower because of the tan. Never getting it done again, so stressful!
The next day dragged along, and what made it worse was the smell of my tan! Never again am I going to eat a curry without thinking of that smell.. Every class seemed to go on for 2 hours each, we just wanted Wednesday to come along! When school finished I was relieved to say the least, and so I prepared myself for the next day. The whole day I wasn't feeling nervous, then as soon as I was going to sleep it finally hit me, and I couldn't even sleep I was so scared!
Luckily I finally got to sleep, only about 6 hours though! Wasn't very helpful considering the night we had ahead! I didn't want to get out of bed, because I didn't want this day to actually be here! When I got ready to get my results, I met Hannah and Gemma down in the village. We walked up to the school together and it was 10 to 12, and so we had to wait 10 minutes which have never felt so long! Once we got our results everyone opened them outside. I was terrified to open it but I knew I had to do it sometime.
I was happy with what I got, and so was my family so that made it better! When I went home I got changed, had another shower then I went to Liffey Valley to get lunch with my mam for doing well in the Junior Cert. Afterwards, I got my makeup done in No 7 in boots. It took time, but it was worth it in the end! I absolutely loved it and so it made me in the best mood! After I got my makeup done I went to Orla's house to get ready, even though there was practically nothing to do.
At quarter past 5 we went to Tesco to get the bus. It was supposed to be there at half 5, but instead it was there at 20 past 6! I wasn't too annoyed though because we were with all our friends. WE got to Wrights and the queue was all the way down the road! Lucky for us, we knew people near the middle of the line. Once we got in we danced until our feet were sore! It was such an amazing night, and I'd honestly love to do it over and over again! An hour before it was over though, me and Hannah were hungry, and 3 of our friends were leaving to go get McDonald's and asked if we wanted to come, so of course we said yes! It might of been less time for us at Wrights, but it was well worth it.
The next day dragged along, and what made it worse was the smell of my tan! Never again am I going to eat a curry without thinking of that smell.. Every class seemed to go on for 2 hours each, we just wanted Wednesday to come along! When school finished I was relieved to say the least, and so I prepared myself for the next day. The whole day I wasn't feeling nervous, then as soon as I was going to sleep it finally hit me, and I couldn't even sleep I was so scared!
Luckily I finally got to sleep, only about 6 hours though! Wasn't very helpful considering the night we had ahead! I didn't want to get out of bed, because I didn't want this day to actually be here! When I got ready to get my results, I met Hannah and Gemma down in the village. We walked up to the school together and it was 10 to 12, and so we had to wait 10 minutes which have never felt so long! Once we got our results everyone opened them outside. I was terrified to open it but I knew I had to do it sometime.
I was happy with what I got, and so was my family so that made it better! When I went home I got changed, had another shower then I went to Liffey Valley to get lunch with my mam for doing well in the Junior Cert. Afterwards, I got my makeup done in No 7 in boots. It took time, but it was worth it in the end! I absolutely loved it and so it made me in the best mood! After I got my makeup done I went to Orla's house to get ready, even though there was practically nothing to do.
At quarter past 5 we went to Tesco to get the bus. It was supposed to be there at half 5, but instead it was there at 20 past 6! I wasn't too annoyed though because we were with all our friends. WE got to Wrights and the queue was all the way down the road! Lucky for us, we knew people near the middle of the line. Once we got in we danced until our feet were sore! It was such an amazing night, and I'd honestly love to do it over and over again! An hour before it was over though, me and Hannah were hungry, and 3 of our friends were leaving to go get McDonald's and asked if we wanted to come, so of course we said yes! It might of been less time for us at Wrights, but it was well worth it.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
First week in TY!
My first week in TY was all that I expected. On the first day I was terrified to find out who was in my class in case I wasn't with any of my friends, but luckily enough I was with a lot of them! On the first day, we were separated into our new classes. Our classes this year are named after Disney Princesses; Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I'm in class Belle with my friends Emily, Orla, Megan, Sinead and plenty more from my old class! We had tutor time with Mr. Lawlor, then continued on with our day.
This year in TY is different to last years. All classes apart from language were the same classes, but this year our home ec, art, IT and music classes are mixed up, so that caused a lot of confusion for us. It took us a while to understand what class to go to but we finally figured out where to go! Other than option classes, we have the same classes for all subjects, even English, Irish and maths! They're usually separated into honors and pass.
Every Wednesday we either have work experience, which I can't wait for! Or a workshop, which we had yesterday. Our workshop yesterday was 3 different types of themes. We learned first aid, adequate and had a "Positive Party"! It was a very different day to what we're used to from 1st to third year, but I loved it! I can't wait for so many things we are going to do throughout the year such as mini company, scifest, Carlingford, work experience and so much more! We have a very exciting year ahead!
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